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Image by Fusion Medical Animation

Empowering decisions through pandemic intelligence

Connecting Minds for Belgium's Pandemic Preparedness


We are dedicated to setting up the scientific and organisational foundations for a multidisciplinary, collaborative intelligence network in Belgium capable of effectively addressing future pandemic and epidemic risks.

As a team of experts, we are committed to leveraging our knowledge and resources to build a resilient framework that ensures Belgium is well-prepared to handle and mitigate the impact of potential pandemics and epidemics.

Logo Belgian Pandemic Intelligence Network

Our main themes


Reflect on past experiences

Analyse the response, (economic) impact, knowledge flows of the COVID-19 pandemic in Belgium and develop strategies to minimize such impact in the future

Image by Edwin Hooper
Team Meeting

Foster stakeholder engagement

Involve stakeholders with different backgrounds in the co-creation process to assess their needs in these crisis situations

Learn from other countries

Investigate the protocols with respect to data access, surveillance structures, analytical capabilities, communication and governance in other countries and assess the feasibility missed opportunities for Belgium

Old Globe
Image by CDC

Prepare for diverse threats

Plan and anticipate responses to various pathogens and epidemic scenarios

Our team

The BE-PIN consortium brings together scientists with expertise in different key domains relevant for producing pandemic intelligence with experience in policy interactions and communication to the general public.

Logo Hasselt University
Logo Antwerp University
Logo Sciensano
Logo Institute of Tropical Medicine
Logo Université Libre de Bruxelles
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